Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Disappointing Week

So far this week has been very disappointing.  I have taken trips out to the river and the reservoirs every day but so far there has not been very much action.  I have only seen a couple of bald eagles, and a few ducks and other small bird species.  Hopefully in the next few days the action will start to pick up and I will get a few good shots.  It has been such a mild winter this year that it seems to be cutting down on not only the bald eagle activity but it also seems to be affecting other bird species.  I wish it would start to get colder and stay cold for a while that way some of the bird species will finally come far enough south due to the ice.  I will be really happy when the activity in this area starts to pick up because normally by now the eagles are already here.  But from the eagles I have been seeing on my trips, I can tell that most of them I see all year long so the eagles from the north have not migrated down yet for the winter.  The only good thing about this week is that I bought a new Manfrotto Tripod and ballhead combo, and it is supposed to be delivered tomorrow.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate since tonight we are supposed to have a small ice storm.  I will be really happy if this tripod works well for me.  My last tripod was just a cheap one and this will be my first good tripod.  I hope it will help me improve my photographs.  Also I made a YouTube video that showcases some of my photographs.  I will link the video on my blog.

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