Friday, February 10, 2012

Macro Water Droplets

Since I have not had much of a chance to get out and do any wildlife photography I decided I would try and do macro photography of water droplets.  I decided to put water droplets on a cd to try and get cool colors in the water droplets.  To an extent it worked but I was a little disappointed, but overall I was happy with the shots.  I was happy that I was able to capture a lot of different colors in the cd, which carried into the water droplets.  But I was disappointed that I was having problems with lighting, and when I used my flash it was hindering the photos by removing the color from the cd, but the color was still showing on the water droplets themselves.  If I ever tried this again I would either try during daylight or I would use a flash with a flash diffuser instead of just the normal camera flash. 

Tomorrow I plan on taking a hike on the fitness trail on campus, which goes right into the woods.  So hopefully it won't be snowing to bad, and maybe I will actually get a chance to get some actual wildlife photographs.

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