Sunday, April 1, 2012

More Bashakill Photographs

These are a couple more photographs that I took on my trips to the Bashakill Wetlands.  I included another photograph of the mallards.  There is also photographs of a tree swallow that was sitting on a bird house that was out in the water at the boat launch area.  It seemed like they were probably nesting in the house because they kept coming back to it.  So I snapped a few shots of them.

 Also there was a ton of painted turtles and musk turtles.  So I took a few shots of some painted turtles on a log.  I did not see any of the snapping turtles that I normally see thankfully.  Last year I walked right past one sitting on the ground.  I thought it was a large stone, until it moved.  It was probably about 40 lbs or so.

  I also took several photographs of red winged black birds on my trip, but most were not good.  Its not a great shot because the branches in front of her but at least the head is not covered and the image was clear.  For some reason my bird pictures were foggy.  I think it was because the grey background from the fog, and clouds.  So they were really unappealing.

 I hope to get out and do some photography while I am here at school, but I never seem to get a chance.  I am hoping soon the leaves will start growing and the spring colors will start to come out.  But the Rain has moved in this weekend and kept me from doing anything outside.  Hopefully next weekend will be better.

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