Saturday, November 24, 2012

Great Break for Photography

This break has been my favorite in a while.  Not only did I get to see my family but I also got to try out my new hunting blind.  It worked better than I thought it would and it allowed me to be closer to the wildlife than I had ever been.  I photographed Cardinals, Blue Jays, Black Cap Chickadee’s, Tufted Titmouse, Squirrels, and a Red Bellied Woodpecker.  Over the period of a few days I’ve taken hundreds of photographs and I have been working on going though them to see what I really got.  I was quite pleased with them overall.  I’m looking forward to my Christmas break because I know I will get some better shots of the birds with the snow in the photographs.  Also the Bald Eagles will be coming back for the winter and I can’t wait. 

I will hopefully be able to upload more images over the next few days.  But I will be really busy with work, because there is only two weeks left of school before the semester ends.  Hope you enjoy the photographs.

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